Frequently Asked Questions

What are Head Lice? Head Lice (Pediculus capitis) are small parasitic insects adapted to living mainly on the scalp and neck hairs of their human host and feeds on human blood. They are about the size of a sesame seed but are visible to the naked eye.
What are the Symptoms of Head Lice? Spotting a live louse or nymph (a young louse) is often the only sign of an infestation. Seeing nits alone doesn’t confirm an infestation. In many children, head lice don’t cause any discomfort. When symptoms do happen, the most common problem is itching that may start weeks or even months after the lice move in.
How would one become infected? Head Lice can be spread whenever there is direct contact of the head of hair with an infected individual. Lice can also be spread through the sharing of personal articles like hats, towels, brushes, helmets, hair bands, etc. There is also a possibility of spreading head lice via a pillow, headrest or similar items.
Can Head Lice jump? Head lice do not jump or fly and generally cannot survive longer than 24 hours if separated from the host.
How can you tell if the lice is dead or alive? No one wants Lice in their hair, whether dead or alive and to find out can be very time-consuming. Rather take the time to remove all Head Lice and Nits completely and remember to follow the prevention checklist.
Do head lice carry or transmit diseases? Head Lice are merely a nuisance and they do not carry or transmit any diseases. If experiencing excessive symptoms such as itching, redness or inflamation, please consult your doctor.
What is the Head Lice life cycle? Head lice can survive on a human host for approximately 30 days. They generally cannot survive longer than 24 hours if separated from the host. A female louse lays 3 – 5 eggs (nits) a day. The eggs hatch within 7 – 10 days and it takes another 7 – 10 days for the louse to mature and lay their own eggs.
Do pets get Head Lice? Head Lice cannot survive on Pets, as they are human parasites, that require a human host to survive.
Pets do not carry or transmit Head Lice.
Head Lice MythHead Lice are not a scourge of the lower classes, nor a sign of poor hygiene. They affect children across all levels of income, social class, and cleanliness. These insects can survive underwater for up to 6 hours, so kids who bathe regularly are just as vulnerable.

Click Here To Learn More On How To Prevent Head Lice & Nits